
Republic Act 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012

Its primary function was to penalize activities in the country such as cybersex, child pornography, identity theft and unsolicited electronic correspondence. However, different groups opposed a clause extending the application of the libel law that included Internet posts, urging the Supreme Court to impose a temporary restraining order (TRO) and a status quo ante order. The cybercrime legislation could see Internet users sentenced to up to 12 years in jail for making on Facebook or Twitter defamatory remarks. Online libel was not part of the initial bill introduced by the Department of Justice (DOJ), but as proposed by Sen. Vicente Sotto III, was one of the amendments inserted by the Senate. It punishes content-related crimes that can be committed through a computer device, such as cybersex, child pornography and libel. It also penalizes commercial contact or material that is unsolicited and that advertises or offers goods or services. However there are exemptions relating to the send

Republic Act 9775 Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009

Child Pornography is a big NO. No matter how desperate you are to earn money for you to live, it does not give you the benefit of the doubt to produce or do malicious things. The Philippines, with endemic poverty helping to push a rise in violence, has become the world's largest reported source of online child sexual exploitation. According to the seven-year report of the International Justice Mission aid community, parents and relatives is accountable for promoting the violence in almost all situations.  In the former US colony, the mixture of English fluency and high internet access helped make the nation a "global hotspot" for child pornography, the study said. In the three years to 2017, the proportion of Philippine internet addresses used to host child pornography tripled, said the report, which based its results on data obtained by data from law enforcement. In the three years to 2017, the proportion of Philippine internet addresses used to host child pornography tr

Republic Act 9512 National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008

  The National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008 itself promotes environmental awareness using environmental education that shall encompass with the environmental concepts and principles, environmental laws, the state of international and local environment, local environmental best practices and the threats of environmental degradation. It also acts for other purposes. The act affects the people to protect and advance the right of the people balanced and healthful ecology that accords with the rhythm and harmony of nature, and in recognition of the youth in nation building and the role of education to foster patriotism and nationalism. The state shall promote national awareness on the role of natural resources that requires economic growth and for the importance of environmental conservation and ecological balance towards sustained national development. The background of the act itself helps us to promote the environmental awareness and the right of the people that

Republic Act 8750 Seat Belts Use Act of 1990

Courtesy of the Global status report on road safety 2015 Seatbelt save lives.  This is a fact. It saves lives every day, protecting vehicle occupants from collision, ejection, g-forces, injury, and even death. The importance of seatbelts to vehicle safety is practically common knowledge, one would be inclined to believe that drivers and passengers alike would wear them religiously. And yet, here in the Philippines, the Seatbelt Law is the most violated rule of the road.  According to Atty. Roberto Valera, head of the traffic safety department at the Land Transportation Office (LTO), the local seatbelt law (Republic Act 8750, otherwise known as the Seat Belts Use Act of 1999), was the country's most violated traffic law for 2016.   In an article published on December 05, 2017 by Dinna Louise C. Dayao with a title “Seat belt law: the most violated road rule in PH”.  It says that “Data show that too few motorists wear seat belts. This means that too many risk serious injury and de

Republic Act 10586 Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law of 2013

  There is a saying that goes “Don’t drink and drive.   But many Filipinos who drive believe that they can tolerate a large amount of alcohol and still be able to make concrete decision behind the wheel, they’ll drink… then  drive.   Drunk and drugged driving is a big concern to police because the drivers are likely to get involved in fatal vehicle crashes.   Although the police are mostly concerned with innocent people who are killed in alcohol-related crashes, it is in fact the drunk driver or his passenger who is most likely to be killed.   One of the main concerns about the Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act (R.A. 10586) is the implementing rules and regulations. The problem starts with the process.   “An officer can only proceed with screening a driver when there is reasonable ground to believe that the driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.   So how is that?   After witnessing a traffic offense.   It means that a danger on the road needs to happen first before check